I haven’t been doing much running lately  (We only had school for a half a day this week because of all the ice, snow, and freezing temperatures.) I’ve been pretty much hibernating inside in my pajamas, cleaning the house a bit, and catching up on my sleep (which has been off since my trip to the NY Toy Fair last weekend).

But this week’s Friday Five Link-Up is all about the races, so I thought I would share 5 races that I am looking forward to this year. This is just a small snapshot of my race schedule this year, but if you are interested in all the races that I will be running, check out my race page 🙂

Five Races to Run in 2015


March 14 – Rock ‘n’ Roll USA

I ran this race last year with my sister and had a pretty good time, so I thought I would run it again.  Plus, the medal for this year is pretty awesome. There are still spots available and I’m looking for a running partner, so let me know if you want to run with me!

Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run

April 12 – Cherry Blossom 10-miler

I love the Cherry Blossom Festival in DC, so what better way to view the blooms than with a run through the Nation’s Capital?! Hopefully the weather will cooperate and that it will be good blooming time! This race is done via lottery, so no more spots are available.

May 2 – Walt Disney World Expedition Everest Challenge

I did this race back in 2013 and had a fun time with my sister. I decided to sign up for it again this year because it is the last time it will happen 🙁 Luckily I was able to sign up quickly and got in before it sold out. I will be running this challenge through Disney’s Animal Kingdom with my husband on a quick weekend trip to Florida. I always love runDisney races!


May 24 – Salute Triathlon

This will be my first triathlon! I convinced my good friend John from Run. Geek. Run (disney) that he should do this race with me and he agreed! I am super excited for this race (hopefully the pool will not be freezing!) and can’t wait for it to get nice outside so I can start training!

October 25 – Marine Corps Marathon


This race is completely dependent on whether I:

1. Get into the Marine Corps 17.76K, and thus winning a “gold ticket” to let me register for the marathon OR
2. Upon failure of #1, winning the race lottery and getting a spot to register

I am a bit nervous about trying to register for this race because they only marathon I have done is the 2014 Disney World Marathon, and Disney races are completely a different feeling than other races. And even though I have done a marathon before, it still intimidates me! So, we will see what actually happens!

7 thoughts on “5 Races to Run in 2015 | Friday Five”
  1. Great list. I’ll be at RnR DC running the half. My sister is coming down to run her first half too. She won an entry from Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner.

    The Cherry Blossom was really cool last year. Kind of sad I didn’t enter the lottery this year.

    Yay for the tri. Getting excited for it.

    Jealous of Everest. Really sad that I’ll never get to run it too.

    Best of luck for getting into MCM. That’s on my “possibly someday” depending on how I feel about doing marathons after my first marathon or two.

  2. How cool to be running the final Expedition Everest Challenge. I hope they replace it with something great! The DC area has a lot of good races.

  3. Fun! I would really love to run in DC. I always think about entering the Cherry Blossom lottery, but then I wuss out.

    Good luck with MCM! I ran the MC Half in Jax and it was the hardest race I’ve ever done. It was an honor to be surrounded by some of our amazing servicemen and women, so that made it worth it.

  4. Nice to find a new blog to follow! I volunteered last year so I have a guaranteed entry to Cherry Blossom – perhaps an option for next year 🙂

  5. i’ll be cheering at RNR (the course goes by my house along 13th Street NE – right before mile 12) and i’m running cherry blossom! also hoping to get into the 17.75k so i can run MCM this year – it’s the 40th anniversary! 🙂

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