August 17th was my 30th birthday. I was supposed to do my first triathlon for my 30th birthday, but it got cancelled. I couldn’t just sit around and do nothing, so I looked around for another race and found the Leesburg 20k.
Luckily, this race fell in line perfectly with my Dumbo Double Dare training plan – one last long run before I taper and then go run a 10k and a 1/2 marathon over Labor Day Weekend!
I decided to dress festively because it was my birthday (well, really, I just like to dress festively at races…) so I wore my new Fantasia Sparkle Skirt, which is so colorful! I paired it up with a bright orange shirt, compression sleeves, and my Orange Bird hat that I wore for my first marathon!

The race started in downtown Leesburg and was mostly on the C&O path. I enjoy tree-lined races because it helps shade you from the sun and getting too hot. But it is also scenic. We passed farms and large houses. The end part of the race ran through Raflo Park which I had previously walked through when I was attending an event at the Well & Good Studio that was near the start line.

It was a pretty good run. I mostly stayed with my intervals of run 2:10 walk 1:00. My IT band behaved and was pretty pain free until the last 2 miles when my middle toe started hurting (anyone know why???). I kept running on and finished the race. I was towards the back of the pack, but there were still 52 people that finished behind me!
I absolutely love the medal with the dangely shoe! And of course I wore the medal and the race shirt for the rest of the day (paired up with my recovery tights and a skirt), much to the dismay of some people who went out in public with me later that day… :-p
Does anyone else like to race for their birthday?
Wow – congrats on a great race! What a great way to commemorate a birthday! I have IT troubles too – any great suggestions?
Stretch constantly, roll, ice, and running with intervals helps. It acts up in the weirdest ways – sometimes when I’m not even running!
What a cute outfit. I love the running skirts but I dont know if I could wear one as it might slow me down.
Thanks – but SparkleSkirts make you go FASTER!!!
Congrats on the race. LOVE the orange bird costume.
I ran WDW Half Marathon for my 30th birthday this past January. It was my first half too. It’s what got me started running, by deciding to train and run it for my birthday. So happy I did. A little harder to find races to run for my birthday regular in VA in January without going anywhere.
Thanks! I was orange bird for the Disney Marathon in January!
[…] My 30th birthday was on Sunday. You can read my birthday post here! For my birthday I ran the Leesburg 20k. […]
My middle toe has been feeling weird my last two runs. It almost feels like a string is tired around it cutting of the circulation (painfully). I think it’s because I am in need to new shoes, but not really sure.
Yea, I don’t know the reason either. Sometimes it will feel like my toe is broken, but I know it is not! Stupid middle toe!
[…] year I was supposed to do one on my 30th birthday, but it got cancelled and I ended up running the Leesburg 20k instead. I was super bummed that I couldn’t do the tri, so I signed up for a duathlon last […]