*Disclaimer: I received a free entry into Elf Virtual Run as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review, find, and write race reviews!*

Hi I’m Katie the Elf, what’s your favorite color? Mine is orange!
When I saw an ad for the Elf Virtual Run on Facebook, I knew it would be such a fun virtual run. I was planning to sign up for it anyway, but was then offered in entry as part of being a BibRave Pro. Score! Any chance to parade around town dressed like an elf with your best running buddy is going to be a grand time.

Toni and I went out a few days after Christmas to complete our Elf Run and we didn’t even care we may have looked silly! We certainly got quite a few honks and smiles as we spread Christmas cheer during our six mile gallivant around town!

The Elf Run SWAG included a beautiful and thick “jacket”, though I might call it more if a sweatshirt. This is a high quality piece of clothing, but unfortunately it does not really fit me! I’m pretty sure I followed the sizing guide, but it is too small. I can squeeze into it to zip it up, but it is not flattering and I can’t pull it down my hips. Next time I need to remember that sizing up is always better!
The beanie is cute and soft and great to wear during these blustery days that we seem to be having so many of. The medal is lost in the mail somewhere between Indianapolis and my house and will show up when it shows up. I will proudly display it in my medal rack when it arrives.

Toni and I weren’t really going for time, as we were still stuffed from Christmas cakes, cookies, sweets, and treat. We walked our six miles, complete with some large hills around mile 5.

After our run, we decided to take a few “jump” photos (probably because we were super sugared up from some delicious Lemonhead candy cans we ate at mile 5!). Man, is this the hardest thing to do or what!!?? We could not time ourselves correctly or perhaps we just couldn’t get ourselves off the ground! Here is the best we could get 😂🤣🤪

This was a fun virtual race allowing me to get some exercise and be silly with my friend. Good quality swag is hard to find, but this race company delivered!