May Get Out & Run Virtual 5k
I went over to Madre’s new neighborhood for our evening run. We started running on the street but ended up running on the golf course path. There are much more…
I went over to Madre’s new neighborhood for our evening run. We started running on the street but ended up running on the golf course path. There are much more…
The US Road Running picture for the April Get Out and Run Program is very appropriate. It was pouring when I went to run! So I ended up going to…
My total miles for April included 35.82 running miles and 5.87 biking miles. It would have been a bit more, but I dropped down from a 1/2 marathon to an…
Maestro and I ran the Break a Sweat for a Homeless Pet 5k, benefitting the Fairfax Animal Shelter. We were planning on running the 5-miler, but an hour of doggie…
Monday was the Boston Marathon. Of course I will never be able to BQ and I don’t have enough initiative to raise money for a charity bib, but I wanted…
**Disclaimer** BIC Bands provided me with free product to review and giveaway in exchange for my honest opinions in this review. These opinions are my own, and I was in…
The Loudoun Half Marathon & 8k took place on April 13, 2014. . I was originally signed up for the half marathon, but the day before I had really bad…