After we finished our race and got our medals (and I took a trip to medical to get some ice!), we went back into Animal Kingdom for the After Party. It was about midnight! Animal Kingdom is so neat after dark! The Tree of Life is lit up, as well as Everest. Unfortunately, my phone camera does not do well in the dark.The lines were really short, so we rode Expedition Everest twice. It is such a better ride in the dark. You don’t see the drop coming at all, and the rush is more intense. We also went once Kali River Rapids and got wet, not soaked, which was refreshing. It was so not crowded, the other people in our tube got to stay on the ride for a second time.
We then went on Primeval Swirl (or something like that). I don’t need to go on that one again. Too much spinning. There was a short wait before we started because someone had gotten sick. I can see why.
Then we got some pictures printed out at the New Balance Booth and visited some characters: Baloo and King Louie, Pluto and Goofy, and others.
It was a fun night and a great experience to be in Animal Kingdom after dark!