
On Saturday, Nathan and I ran the Brambleton Ribbon Run 10k! This was Nathan’s first 10k! He needed to do one to get a time to submit for Dumbo Double Dare and Wine & Dine.

I was festively dressed as Minnie Mouse and met up with a fellow Dopey runner, Leanne 🙂 It was windy and freezing at the start of the race, and we didn’t warm up for about 2 miles.

This race took place around a town center and neighborhood. The neighborhood was rich and gorgeous! I loved looking at all of the houses, decorations, and outdoor kitchens! One day, Katie, one day…

The course was two loops around the center/neighborhood. I stayed with Nathan and we used the intervals: Run 30 sec / Walk 1 minute. We ended up with a pace of under 14 minutes! Pretty good, Nathan!

Even though we did a pace 2 minutes faster than the Disney required pace, we still ended up finishing last. I can’t believe how fast everyone else is! Oh well! We ended up finishing right before the kids race did, so we ended up with ribbons for completing the kids race. I’m ok with this because the 10k-ers didn’t get anything for completing!

This race was well-organized and well attended, but there was only one water stop for the 10k. If we had known that, Nathan would have brought his own water! Now we know to be prepared…

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