My totals for March were 37.01 miles.

I participated in these races:

2 Virtual Races: Get LOST in Running Station 8 – Looking Glass 8.15k and the
March Get Out and Run Virtual 5k

1 – 5k Blue Ridge Speech & Hearing Center Race

1 – 14k Share the Love Valentine’s 14k

1 – Half Marathon DC Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon

I also did 3 days of 30-day Shred. My Lent Challenge did not last very long…oops…
I went to yoga once, and did the bike once.

It really sucks when you get sick and it puts a damper on everything! I did not meet my goal of 60 miles/yoga 4 times. But, April is a new month, right?! I have four races planned for April: A 5-miler, a 10k, a 10-miler, and a half marathon.